Renew Physical Therapy Blog

Sleep Away the Pain

Written by Eric Powell PT, DPT, CF-L2 | Mar 1, 2025 5:00:00 AM

Sleep Away the Pain

Sleep is more than just rest, it’s a crucial part of the body’s healing process. When we sleep, our bodies repair tissues, reduce inflammation, and restore energy levels. Growth hormone production peaks during deep sleep, accelerating muscle recovery and injury healing. Lack of sleep also increases risk of injuries in sports. For those undergoing physical therapy or recovering from injuries, quality sleep enhances pain management and speeds up tissue repair.

Sleep plays a crucial role in enhancing physical therapy outcomes by supporting various aspects of health and recovery. This month's blog mentions a few articles that explore this relationship:

One study looked at women diagnosed with fibromyalgia and found that participants who received sleep hygiene guidance experienced notable reductions in pain and fatigue levels. 

Not only does increased sleep reduce pain but decreased sleep will also increase pain. This may seem obvious but it is not always the case in research. When you can show how something goes both directions, it puts more weight behind the conclusion. Another article showed poor sleep can lead to increased pain perception. This means that things feel more painful to the person who has not had adequate sleep.

The article from the journal Physical Therapy highlights how physical therapists are in an excellent position to provide this education. At Renew we structure our visits to leave enough time to discuss important topics like sleep. We will work with you to optimize the environment around you to allow your body the best opportunity to heal. 

If you’re looking to optimize healing, prioritize sleep. If you are looking for some tips, check out our past post with 10 tips for better sleep!

Sweet dreams, and happy healing!



Takahashi Y, Kipnis DM, Daughaday WH. Growth hormone secretion during sleep. J Clin Invest. 1968 Sep;47(9):2079-90. doi: 10.1172/JCI105893. PMID: 5675428; PMCID: PMC297368.

Multiple factors explain injury risk in adolescent elite athletes: Applying a biopsychosocial perspective. P. von Rosen, A. Frohm, A. Kottorp, C. Fridén, A. Heijne

First published: 16 February 2017


Orlandi   AC , Ventura C, Gallinaro ALet al.   Improvement in pain, fatigue, and subjective sleep quality through sleep hygiene tips in patients with fibromyalgia [Article in English, Portuguese]. Rev Bras Reumatol. 2012;52:666–678.


Catherine F. Siengsukon, Mayis Al-dughmi, Suzanne Stevens, Sleep Health Promotion: Practical Information for Physical Therapists, Physical Therapy, Volume 97, Issue 8, August 2017, Pages 826–836,


Azevedo   E , Manzano GM, Silva Aet al.   The effects of total and REM sleep deprivation on laser-evoked potential threshold and pain perception. Pain. 2011;152:2052–2058.